BURKINA FASO – Burkina Faso church leader killed by Islamists: ‘I’d rather die than leave my community’

World Watch Monitor | May 2, 2019 An outdoor church outside a home in western Burkina Faso. It is not connected to the 28 April violence. (Photo: CIF Action via Flickr;…

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ADVISORY – Save the Persecuted Christians, Coalition Urge Prominent Law Firm: ‘Don’t Help the Persecutors’

 ***MEDIA ADVISORY*** |May 1, 2019 Faith Leaders, Religious Freedom Activists Call on Squire Patton Boggs, LLP to Stop Representing Nations that Persecute People of Faith VIEW the Facebook Livestream of…

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EUROPE – European Parliament may suspend all subsidies to Pakistan

On the 30 April 2019, fifty-one (51) Members of the European Parliament issued a collective letter addressed to Mr. Imran Khan, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan expressing…

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