EGYPT – Egyptian Convert Stands Firm for Christ Against All Odds

International Christian Concern | Jan. 8, 2019

Growing up in Egypt as the son of an Islamic Sheikh, Mohamed’s life was filled with religion. As a Sheikh, his father was supposed to live as a religious man from whom others could seek guidance about living a holy, Islamic life. But his father lived a very immoral life, causing Mohamed to question Islam. By asking questions, he eventually came to know Christ, a choice which cost him his family and risked his life.

For Mohamed, his father’s treatment of women was what initially caused him to question Islam. He was shocked as he watched his father mistreat his mother. “As soon as I grew up, I wanted to leave the house and get married and start a family away from home,” he recalled. “I did this and got married. But I was afraid to take my wife to my family’s house and leave her for a couple of hours, because I was afraid that my father would sexually abuse her while I was not there.”