IRAN – Persecution and Grace Fill Iran’s Streets

International Christian Concern | Nov. 14, 2018

The massive waves of unrest which have plagued Iran this past year point toward the people’s frustration with the moral and economic bankruptcy of a governing Islamic elite. “This is a very enlightened generation of younger people in Iran,” said Dr. Mike Ansari from Heart4Iran, an Iranian Christian partnership platform. “People are smarter and wiser and they can see through the fog of confusion created by the Iranian government.”

The Islamic Republic of Iran was created in 1979 with the intention of safeguarding Islamic principles by enshrining them into piety politics that define every aspect of life. One generation later, and Iranians have had enough with the harshness imposed by the Islamic regime. “They are taking a sense of pride in their past and heritage. They want to know what their ancestors were before they were forced to be Muslims,” continued Dr. Ansari.