RELEASE – Christian Persecution the Focus at this Year’s Saints Peter & Paul Conference September 11 and 12 at Basilica of Saint Mary in Alexandria, VA

September 9, 2020 | Media Advisory Save the Persecuted Christians Experts to Speak WASHINGTON—Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC) is facilitating coordination, content and experts for an in-depth discussion on the topic “Christian…

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RELEASE – Letter to Squire Patton Boggs Has Now Reached 5,000 on Capitol Hill

May 22, 2019 46 Civil Society Leaders Signed Letter to Urge Law Firm to Stop Promoting Interests of China, Qatar and Saudi Arabia WASHINGTON—Earlier this month, 46 civil society leaders…

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RELEASE — Civil Society Leaders Urge Squire Patton Boggs to Drop Client Regimes that Persecute ***NEWS RELEASE*** |May 6, 2019 Press Conference Urges Law Firm: ‘Do Not Be Evil’ WASHINGTON—A large group of faith and other civil society leaders gathered in Washington, D.C., last…

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ADVISORY – Save the Persecuted Christians, Coalition Urge Prominent Law Firm: ‘Don’t Help the Persecutors’

 ***MEDIA ADVISORY*** |May 1, 2019 Faith Leaders, Religious Freedom Activists Call on Squire Patton Boggs, LLP to Stop Representing Nations that Persecute People of Faith VIEW the Facebook Livestream of…

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