RELEASE – Reports Confirm Undeniable Genocide against Christians, Says International Committee on Nigeria

Save the Persecuted Christians | July 31, 2020 STPC’s Frank Gaffney: ‘Nigeria Is Imploding. We Have a Chance to Keep It from Going Completely Bad’ WASHINGTON — A decades-long genocidal campaign against…

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CHINA – Feinstein Says China Is ‘Growing Into a Respectable Nation’ As it Continues Persecuting Christians, Muslims

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Faithwire | Tré Goins-Phillips | July 30, 2020 Despite China’s ever-expanding persecution of Christians and Muslims, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Thursday the Communist country is “growing into a respectable…

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CHINA – NGOs, activists press Barr to declare Chinese Communist Party a ‘transnational criminal organization’

Fox News | Hollie McKay | July 27, 2020 Hundreds of U.S. and international religious and human rights groups and activists are calling for the U.S. Department of Justice to declare the Chinese Communist…

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RELEASE – Iconic Church Site Opens for Muslim Prayers, Sparks ‘National Day of Mourning’

Save the Persecuted Christians | July 24, 2020 Christians Worldwide Heed Greek Orthodox Church’s Call to Grieve Turkish President Erdogan’s ‘Violation of all Standards of Religious Harmony’ WASHINGTON — The international Christian…

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RELEASE – Open Letter Urges Attorney General To Label Chinese Communist Party as a Transnational Criminal Organization

Save the Persecuted Christians | July 23, 2020 CCP Violations Far Exceed ‘Criminal Activity’ Threshold, say Save the Persecuted Christians, Other Human Rights Watchdogs WASHINGTON — A broad coalition of human rights advocates…

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